EasyPower New Licensing Information
Starting with EasyPower 2024, we are using the Bentley Subscription Entitlement Service (SES) licensing technology. There are many benefits to this new licensing and a few steps to get you and your company transitioned to it, especially if your company doesn't already use other Bentley products.
Note: New Version Numbering. In order to align with the naming convention of the Bentley products, we are shifting to a system that is based on the year it is released.
Benefits of the New Licensing System
The new licensing system has account-based access, rather than license keys, serial numbers, or authorization codes. There will no longer be a need for license servers or complicated VM setups to access the software on multiple computers.
- Access your license from any computer where EasyPower is installed—no need to move licenses from one computer to another.
- Ability to quickly purchase new licenses online through Bentley's e-commerce website.
- Increased visibility and control of license usage.
- Customers with multiple Bentley products can manage all of their licenses in one place.
- Ability for enterprise customers to participate in Bentley's E365 pay-per-use model.
With the new licensing system, it will be helpful for you to familiarize yourself with the following terms.
- Bentley Account Administrator – The person/people in your company or organization responsible for managing the access and use of software and resources provided by Bentley.
- CONNECT Center – Bentley's web-based platform for accessing a user’s CONNECTED software products, projects, and services, including Account Administrator tools and resources, software downloads, service requests, and LEARN content and training. Located at https://connect.bentley.com/.
- CONNECTION Client - This is a desktop application that is now installed along with EasyPower. Users and Administators will log in using credentials they create to access EasyPower and other Bentley software products. Bentley also provides cloud services, user portals, and user analytics through CONNECTION Client. More Info
- Entitlement – Refers to an organization’s claim or ownership of Bentley software licences and services.
- Feature Level – EasyPower is a unique product in the Bentley portfolio, with many combinations of capabilities and sizes to fit the needs of our customers. Our product offering has been refined into what Bentley calls “Feature Levels,” which are pre-defined groups of analysis modules and bus counts.
- License – A software license which a user or an organization is entitled to. License and Entitlement are often used interchangeably.
- SELECT Agreement – Bentley's standard terms and conditions for purchase and use of Bentley products and services. It replaces the EasyPower End User License Agreement.
- SES – (Subscription Entitlement Service) licensing. This is Bentley's licensing technology that is now implemented in EasyPower 2024. It is a replacement for our previous system which relied on SL, HL, and Network keys.
- Bentley IMS – Bentley Identity Management Service. Essentially, the way in which your log-in information is tied to your organization, entitlements, and licenses.
- E365 – (Enterprise 365 Program) A program offered to subscribers that provides usage-based pricing with pre-defined rates and terms.
Next Steps - What Do I Do Now?
In order for current EasyPower users to download the latest version of EasyPower 2024, you will need to create or sign in to a Bentley user account, if you don't already have one. Follow the flow chart below to see which steps apply to your situation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is EasyPower Licensing changing?
As a part of our integration into Bentley Systems, we’re updating our licensing technology to better serve our customers. This upgrade to Bentley's Subscription Entitlement Service (SES) will provide new ways of accessing, managing, and using the EasyPower software.
What is Bentley’s Subscription Entitlement Service (SES)?
License entitlements, which are granted and maintained through user management in the Bentley CONNECT Center, replace the serial numbers and site activation keys (SL, HL, and Cloud) used in previous versions of EasyPower. Your sign-in to the Bentley CONNECTION Client validates your use of the software and provides enhanced security for your Bentley licenses and subscriptions.
How will this impact my current software?
If you’re using Easypower 11.0 or earlier, you will not see a change in the way you access your software. Easypower 2024 will be the first product version available on Bentley’s Subscription Entitlement Service (SES).
I own a perpetual product; how does this affect me?
You will retain ownership of your perpetual licenses. The latest version, EasyPower 2024, will be available only with Bentley's SES licensing technology.
What is a SELECT Subscription?
With perpetual licenses, Bentley refers to the yearly maintenance payment as a subscription to SELECT. Your SELECT subscription for maintenance offers many of the same benefits as your are accustomed to (software updates, technical support, and library updates) as well as some new benefits. More information here: https://www.bentley.com/support/licensing-and-subscriptions/
Can I upgrade to EasyPower 2024 without upgrading to SES licensing?
No, starting with EasyPower 2024, all EasyPower programs will operate with SES licensing technology.
Can I upgrade to EasyPower 2024 without creating a Bentley login?
No. SES licensing is account-based and requires users to log in and be affiliated with an account to access licenses. Please refer to the licensing flowchart to get started.
Is there an offline mode?
Yes, Easypower can still be used when disconnected from the internet. However, offline policies are set and managed by your organization. For additional information, please reach out to your organization’s administrator. More Info - License Checkouts.
Can users still check out a license?
Yes. This can be done by the administrator via the Entitlement Management Service or by the user in the Bentley Licensing Tool. More information.
Can I see who is currently using licenses?
Account Administrators will be able to see the names of users who are running licenses. Users will not be able to see this information.
I tried to download EasyPower 2024, but received a “Non-SELECT” error message. How do I gain access?
Please reach out to us at the Bentley Support Portal to complete a SELECT acknowledgement form.
I was issued a Trial when opening EasyPower 2024, how do I access my license instead?
To access your EasyPower license, you will need to use the Feature Level Selector when installing the program. After downloading EasyPower 2024:
- Open the Windows Start menu and search for Bentley Licensing Tool.
- In the window that appears, choose Tools>“Select Feature Level”
- This window will take a minute to load. Here you can select the EasyPower feature string available to you.
Note: you should only need to make this selection one time, unless you need to change active licenses.
I logged into my Bentley account, but do not see my EasyPower entitlements. What should I do?
There may be additional steps required to complete the account step up or a correction needed. Please go to the Bentley Support Portal to get assistance.
Why am I unable to submit a service request on the Bentley support portal?
If you are NOT associated to an account, you will not have the ability to submit a service request.
I am not the Administrator, how do I become associated to my account?
Contact your Administrator to add you to the account. If you are unable to contact your Administrator, reach out to the Bentley Support Portal.
How do I update my account Administrator if they no longer work for my company or simply shouldn’t be associated with my account?
You will need to provide a letter on company letterhead stating who the new administrator should be. Letter should include: full name, email, and business justification for change.
If you are unable to submit the request to the User Admin Support yourself, please contact the Bentley Support Portal for help with the request..
How can I have EasyPower 2024 added to my company’s E365 subscription?
Account Administrators will need to contact their Enterprise Success Manager or their Account Manager to have their EasyPower license(s) added to their E365 program.
Should I submit a service ticket through Bentley Support?
Yes, effective Feb. 28, 2025, you should contact the Bentley Support Portal to submit a support ticket.
I called the EasyPower Support phone line, but no one answered. How do I get support?
We are currently experiencing I high volume of support cases and phone calls. If you do call, please leave a voicemail for one of our team members to give you a call back.