New Features, Enhancements, and Bug Fixes in EasyPower 9.6

The following new feature additions, enhancements and bug fixes are included in EasyPower 9.6. Follow this link for a summary of these changes as well as installation intructions.

New Features

Scenario Comparison Reports: The new Equipment Duty Scenario Comparison Report enables you to identify overdutied equipment in scenarios and to report on the best and worst case scenarios. 

SKM Import: You now have the ability to import data to EasyPower from an SKM format export file. 

Unicode Support: EasyPower now supports unicode characters. This enables you to type unicode characters anywhere you can enter information, such as in equipment names, descriptions, notes, file names, scenario names, TCC plot names, and device library entries. 


Arc Flash Labels: Labels can be set to not print for a specific bus by selecting a number of labels to print as 0.

Auto Design: VFD motor circuits are now treated as a feeder circuit instead of a motor circuit.


Database Report/Browser:

Equipment Defaults: The default equipment list now includes DC and other new equipment items. 

Help: Updated appearance and improved topic navigation, with access to web-based Help.



Options: The Equipment Pallet lock is no longer selected as the default setting. 

Scenario Comparison Reports:

Short Circuit: New “Arrange for Arc Flash” button on the Short Circuit ribbon. 


Work Permits: The work permit template has been renamed to WPTemplate.docx and can now be saved with a user-specified name. 

Bug Fixes

Arc Flash: Arc flash results are now calculated for magnetic-only breakers that have a low tolerance of 0%. 

Arc Flash Hazard Reports: The Device Code field now appears in the Arc Flash Hazard Report. 



Database Report/Browser:

Drawings: Branch connection issues are resolved and no longer cause the program to stop responding. 

Dynamic Stability: Model datasheet graphics are improved. 


Hyperlinks: Hyperlink paths are no longer absolute paths but are now relative to the location of the .DEZ file. 

Library: In Solid State Trips, on the Maint-Inst tab, the Step box is now active when Continuous is selected.

One-Lines: If you use the right-click context menu to change the text visibility to always hide data, data for DC equipment is no longer displayed.


Options: The range for the metric settings in Options on the Grid tab has been adjusted. 

Relay TCC: Between independent TOC and IOC functions, the faster TCC is now shown. 

Reports: Reports such as Short Circuit reports and the Scenario Comparison reports are no longer randomly highlighted. 

Scenario Comparison Report: Arc flash incident energy is now rounded consistently to the first decimal on both the Arc Flash Scenario Report and the Arc Flash Hazard Report. 

Schedules: When panel data has a single pole load (motor or load type), the inserted schedule now displays all the digits of the VA value. 

Short Circuit:


Work Permits: Work permits are now stored in the same location as the work permit template, as indicated by File Locations.