EasyPower Resources
Besides having fast, accurate and easy to use power system software, we at EasyPower also strive to be a resource to anyone who wishing to learn more about the markets we serve. We have up-to-date resources such as weekly live webinars, recorded videos, written materials (in PDF and blog format) and helpful links to related topics. In some areas we have so many resources that it is often helpful to just do a search once you have selected one of the categories below, you will then only see results from within that category.
Featured Resources

Arc Flash The Easy Way - Part 1: Regulations and Industry Standards
We kick of the first part of a 4-week series on how to meet NFPA compliance and control costs with a discussion of safety related to arc flash hazards and...

How to Debug Your One-line Model After Data Collection is Complete
This webinar presents a sure-fire guide to generating valid short circuit and arc flash results in the shortest time. The procedure includes detailed examples using updated EasyPower features that may...

IEEE Std 1584-2018 – A Journey in Understanding the Anatomy of an Arc
Over the course of more than 10 years beginning in the year 2004, a multi-million-dollar research project sponsored by the IEEE and the NFPA involved a series of over 1,800 arc flash tests...

Arc Flash Calculations Using Dynamic Stability
Dynamic Stability is the EasyPower module used to analyze system behavior over time. The tool calculates the changes in power flow for the whole system at 1/2 cycle time slices. By...

Lightning Protection Systems & Shielding Evaluation Methods
Lightning is a spectacular display of electrical forces in nature and easily recognized for the hazards it may introduce to the public, personnel, and facilities. This webinar, presented by Dave...

Special Issues on Arc Flash and Protection
How many arc flash cases should be performed to guarantee worker protection? Arc flash studies are an integral part of improving worker safety and incorporate several variables to develop recommendations...

Ten Questions From New EasyPower Users
New EasyPower users can have a PowerStart session with Jim Chastain to help them get started with their use of the product. In recent months, there have been many questions...

FREE Intro to Grounding Analysis Book
This comprehensive and valuable resource will understand the need for and how to do grounding analysis.

FREE 10 Step Arc Flash Guide
10 Steps of an Effective Arc Flash Hazard Safety Program. Learn the specific steps to take for analyzing your current power system and identifying potential trouble spots.

FREE New Arc Flash Safety Book
This comprehensive and valuable resource will walk you through the necessary steps for implementing an arc flash assessment as part of your overall safety program requirements.