Weekly Informational and Training Webinars

At EasyPower, we offer a variety of weekly webinar sessions to help you become better acquainted with the software and to further develop your skills and understanding. There are two different types of webinars.

  • The Tuesday Refresher webinars are short (30 minute) sessions going over the basics of using EasyPower software in a variety of situations.
  • The Thursday webinars topics will vary and are also applicable for beginning to advanced users, depending on the topics covered. See the webinar schedule below.

If you are not currently using EasyPower, download a free demo version of the software and sign up for one of these classes or view the free training videos. We also offer extensive regional and on-site training options - view our training schedule.

Tuesday Refresher Webinars

Start at 8:00am PST (roughly every other week)

Topic - Refresher/beginner series for using EasyPower software, various topics. This will include insights and tips for using EasyPower, not system engineering, which is often covered more in the Thursday Webinars.

Earlier Refresher Webinar VideosSee Recorded Videos Here

  • Presented by Jim Chastain, Solution Engineer at Bentley-EasyPower
  • GoToMeeting infoRegister Now
  • Webinar starts at 8:00am PST

Description - We kick off the first part of a 4-week series on how to meet NFPA compliance and control costs with a discussion of safety related to arc flash hazards and the evolution of regulator standards in the 15 years since their introduction. This updated presentation includes a discussion of changes to the NFPA 70E-2021 standard.

  • Presented by Jim Chastain, Solution Engineer at Bentley-EasyPower
  • GoToMeeting infoRegister Now
  • Webinar starts at 8:00am PST

Description - Of the overall time involved in an arc flash study, data collection can be the most costly if not properly planned. This presentation focuses on eliminating the need for repeated trips to the site and avoiding excessive delays and cost. Second in the Arc Flash Risk Assessment series, this presentation emphasizes the benefits that can be recognized both in cost reduction and employee education when facilities maintenance teams are part of the process. This presentation highlights the data requirements for calculation methods in the IEEE Std 1584-2018. 

  • Presented by Jim Chastain, Solution Engineer at Bentley-EasyPower
  • GoToMeeting infoRegister Now
  • Webinar starts at 8:00am PST

Description - The third installment of this series focuses on the use of the EasyPower Arc Flash Bundle to construct the one-line model from the collected data and then proceeds to the initial steps required to calculate arc flash incident energies. Industry standards describing the use of the IEEE-1584 model are detailed and examples are provided. This will be similar to the prior instances of this presentation, but is updated to include techniques in EasyPower for comparing your electrical system using the IEEE 1584-2002 versus the 1584-2018 standard.

  • Presented by Jim Chastain, Solution Engineer at Bentley-EasyPower
  • GoToMeeting infoRegister Now
  • Webinar starts at 8:00am PST

Description - This last installment in the Arc Flash Risk Assessment series will highlight the EasyPower features that facilitate compliance with the requirements of NFPA-70E. Included in the presentation is the ability to print and export reports, customize the report layout, customize label content, and print labels. In addition, the EasyPower label editor permits the use of QR codes to extend the information available to anyone able to scan the equipment label.

  • Presented by Jim Chastain, Solution Engineer at Bentley-EasyPower
  • GoToMeeting infoRegister Now
  • Webinar starts at 8:00am PST

Description - This webinar presents a sure-fire guide to generating valid short circuit and arc flash results in the shortest time. The procedure includes detailed examples using updated EasyPower features that may not be fully understood, even by seasoned EasyPower users. This webinar, given by Jim Chastain, Bentley-EasyPower Solution engineer, shows you how to improve your next arc flash project.

  • Presented by Simon Giard Leroux, Senior Product Manager at Bentley-EasyPower
  • GoToMeeting infoRegister Now
  • Webinar starts at 8:00am PST

Description - EasyPower, part of Bentley Systems, introduces EasyPower 2025 with significant new enhancements. Key updates include the ability to store short circuit and arc flash results in the database, a new elements-based short circuit calculation method, and 64-bit application support. Other updates feature enhanced one-line text templates, auto-calculation of transformer impedance, and expanded Revit® 2025 support. This release improves workflows, making studies faster and easier and enhances database browser performance.

  • Presented by Jim Chastain, Solution Engineer at Bentley-EasyPower
  • GoToMeeting infoRegister Now
  • Webinar starts at 8:00am PST

Description - In this first of a 4-part series titled Protective Device Coordination the Easy Way, Jim Chastain from EasyPower-Bentley covers the definition and focus of selective device coordination, TCC plots for comparing performance loads and OCPD, and how to customize EasyPower controls to focus on specific issues.

  • Presented by Jim Chastain, Solution Engineer at Bentley-EasyPower
  • GoToMeeting infoRegister Now
  • Webinar starts at 8:00am PST

Description - In the second installment of a 4-part series titled Protective Device Coordination the Easy Way, Jim Chastain from EasyPower-Bentley discusses fuse ratings, coordination rules of thumb using TCCs to confirm coordination of different manufacturers, current-limiting fuse energy let-through versus TCC plotting, and arc flash calculations using fuses. We also discuss NEC requirements for service equipment, and how to use EasyPower to identify and compare device performance.

  • Presented by Jim Chastain, Solution Engineer at Bentley-EasyPower
  • GoToMeeting infoRegister Now
  • Webinar starts at 8:00am PST

Description - In the third presentation of a 4-part series titled Protective Device Coordination the Easy Way, Jim Chastain from EasyPower-Bentley focuses on breaker types based on trip mechanisms, series rating, and molded case circuit breakers for selective device coordination to determine constraints for time and current. The following topics are also discussed: LVPCB, Solid State trip, TCC plots – long term, short term, and instantaneous adjustments.

  • Presented by Jim Chastain, Solution Engineer at Bentley-EasyPower
  • GoToMeeting infoRegister Now
  • Webinar starts at 8:00am PST

Description - In the concluding session of the 4-part series titled Protective Device Coordination the Easy Way, Jim Chastain from EasyPower-Bentley covers information on relay protection schemes, ground fault protection, transformer protection, differentials, arc sensing, TCC controls, and hard-grounded systems versus resistance ground.

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Thursday Webinars

10:00am PST (1-2 times per month) - Topic varies:

Be sure to sign up and watch the webinars live, so you won't miss any of the valuable information. Sometimes we are not able to provide recorded versions of the webinars afterwards, due to legal limitations of the presenter's employer.

Earlier Webinar VideosSee Recorded Videos Here

  • Presented by Joe Dietrich, P.E. and Joe Kerfoot, P.E., at Rosendin Electric
  • Webinar Completed

Description - The electrical power industry has been struggling to address the recently added code requirements of selective coordination that apply to Emergency, Legally Required, Elevator, Fire Pumps, and COPS systems. Selective coordination is essential for proper fault isolation of these important systems. Old rules of thumb are no longer valid, and it is critical for design engineers to understand the implications of these requirements and define new solutions and rules of thumb to prevent major re-design to comply with code. This webinar, given by Joe Dietrich, P.E. and Joe Kerfoot, P.E., electrical engineers at Rosendin Electric, explains valuable insights and provides guidance for design engineers to help them re-imagine essential system design practices. This will be a replay of this popular webinar that we originally given earlier.

  • Presented by David Lewis, P.E. at EasyPower-Bentley
  • Webinar Completed

Description - Lightning is a spectacular display of electrical forces in nature and easily recognized for the hazards it may introduce to the public, personnel, and facilities. This webinar, presented by Dave Lewis from Bentley Systems – EasyPower, discusses the basics concepts of lightning and methods for evaluating the efficacy of lightning shielding systems, such as the Rolling Sphere Method with XGSLab SHIELD. These concepts can be applied to facilities and the bulk electric grid with respect to NFPA 780, IEEE 998, and other IEEE standards.

  • Presented by Wei-Jen Lee, PhD, PE, IEEE Fellow - Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of Texas at Arlington
  • GoToMeeting info - Register Now
  • Webinar starts at 10:00am PST

Description - Over the course of more than 10 years beginning in the year 2004, a multi-million-dollar research project sponsored by the IEEE and the NFPA involved a series of over 1,800 arc flash tests performed in high-voltages laboratories. In this webinar, Dr. Wei-Jen Lee, who led the research project, will outline the significant improvements in the updated IEEE Standard, explaining the data acquisition systems and instruments used to measure heat energy, sound, blast pressure and light and how test methods changed over the course of testing in developing what is now a globally accepted model in commercial and industrial power systems analysis to quantify arc flash hazards..

  • Presented by Jim Pollard, CESCP, Director of Technical Services at SureWerx
  • GoToMeeting info - Register Now
  • Webinar starts at 10:00am PST

Description - In this practical webinar, Jim Pollard at SureWerx presents step-by-step instructions on how to update and/or build a fully compliant Arc Flash PPE section to your overall Electrical Safety Program. The instructional components cover the Arc Flash PPE program requirements from the new 2024 editions of NFPA 70E, CSA Z462 and ASTM Standards. Employers benefit from user-friendly resources that are provided as learning aids that can immediately be applied to help keep their workers safe and healthy.

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Engineering Support | Web-Based and Personal

Need help completing your own arc flash study? Want to advance your EasyPower skills? Do you learn better in a one-on-one setting? Consider our Web-based training.

Using the latest online meeting tool, an EasyPower engineer will show you how to perform specific tasks that you request—in real time. You won’t even have to leave your desk! Learn how Engineering Support can personalize a Web-based program for you.

More EasyPower Training Programs

Explore our customizable and convenient Client Site training options. Keep your plant personnel safe with the latest arc flash training.